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Blue Marble National Geographic Stunning Chemistry Set Mega Science Kit with Over 15 Easy Experiments
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Blue Marble National Geographic Stunning Chemistry Set Mega Science Kit with Over 15 Easy Experiments

Product ID: 376198912
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The National Geographic Mega Science Series Stunning Science Chemistry Set is a massively fun science set with more than 100 different, awe-inspiring experiments to try! With this kit, kids can: mold, paint and erupt a own volcano, complete with extra eruption experiments with even bigger reactions; mix a variety of color-changing and fizzing solutions; cause a fizzy rainbow eruption; erupt a geyser; blow up balloons with pop crystals; launch a rocket with CO2; make pop crystal fireworks; and a whole lot more! Your kids will be able to make a volcano, then make it erupt! And after that, they can make the eruption even more spectacular with pop crystals! They'll create fizzing, bubbling, and frothing chemical reactions, erupt a geyser, and launch a rocket with gas. Plus a whole lot more! This chemistry kit gives kids everything they need for 15 experiments along with an experiment guide that contains an additional 85+ experiments, all using common household items. This phenomenal STEM kit gives kids the chance to experience the scientific process in a hands-on way, just like a real scientist! There are so many activities and experiments to try that they'll be busy for hours, exploring the fascinating world of chemistry. Our experiment guide contains kid-friendly, easy-to-follow instructions, and insight into the science at work in each experiment. Order the Stunning Science Chemistry Set today and get ready for fizzy, bubbling fun! We make the highest quality hands-on science toys, and all products are backed by exceptional service. With a mission to inspire people to care about the planet, the National Geographic Society is one of the world’s largest nonprofit scientific and educational organizations.

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Received my product in pristine condition. Great service overall.

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